I have heard (and believe) the adage that, 'Today is the first day of the rest of your life.' So much so, it no longer seemed profound. Rather, simply another one of those sayings our folks tried to teach us. I certainly uttered it to my (now grown) children!
What does that really mean? How does it play out in my daily life? Who cares! I saw little usefulness in being reminded of it. It weighed heavily on my mind, since my life so far had not been much to speak of and the next day held no hope for much difference. I tried hard for so many years to be "positive". Having grown up in a family who said little other than to correct, I realized I had a hard row to hoe. That saying seemed to re-enforce the hopelessness I felt in ever getting out of the rut I'd been stuck in all my life! Stepping into 'the first day of the rest of my life' has, after some heart-healing, blossomed into the understanding that: 1. I am the only one who chooses what I think about! 2. I can - even must - leave the past (yesterday, childhood, even a moment ago) in the past. 3. I can dream BIG! Allowing the pain and regret of past hurt(s) to fall off, like the booster rockets on a space vehicle, frees me to expand my forward motion. Instead of playing the old memories over and over like an old vinyl record, I can open my mind and heart to the unlimited possibilities of the life I was designed to live. I may be the only one who cares. All those who know and care about me will enjoy being around me so much more. Perhaps they are not even aware of this renewed mind-set. They will surely see how my life grows in contentment and satisfaction.